The Essence of Waiting

Hello guys!
Blessed morning! 😎.
How are you? Time flies!
Hope all is well, stay safe & healthy!

Our 3 1/2 years old son is head-strong haha. He knows what he wants and once he has fixed his eyes on something, he will not change till he gets it. Sometime we have to bribe him 😂

So we try not to over promise him haha. I guess some of y’all parents know what I’m talking about.

So one day, we told our son that we were going to get a lego. We told him that we needed to get lunch first but being himself, he just refused to eat and started to brag about the lego. We were hillarously frustrated 😂

Everything else becomes not exciting at all, he chose to starve before the lego.

When that happened somehow God gave us a nudge and it went like this “You see, that somehow what happens if I reveal everything I have for you. You will not want to listen, eat or even listen to Me because you will get fixtated by the reward/goal.”

I don’t know where you are right now but somehow I believe that some of you really need to hear that. 

You are not getting what you want at this moment because God is trying to protect and teach you. You will need to eat (read His Words) and walk with God. 

The journey is long but God is faithful. You will eventually get there.
What God has promised you, it will come to pass.

Trust His guidance.

Jesus loves you always ❤️
Have a great week ahead !

Love & Blessings -


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