Running Around?

Hello guys!
Good morning! 😎.
New day, new grace it is!
Hope all is well, stay safe & healthy!

1 Samuel 16 (NIV): The Lord said to Samuel, “How long will you mourn for Saul, since I have rejected him as king over Israel? Fill your horn with oil and be on your way; I am sending you to Jesse of Bethlehem. I have chosen one of his sons to be king.”

Letting go is difficult, no doubt. Even if you have declared by your word that “God, I trust you, I let go of everything”. Do you really mean it? For me, even though I have declared so, sometimes deep down in my heart, I doubt it.

But God understands us well and never overlooks us. 

Maybe you are in a position like Samuel right now. Maybe you are in a doubt and you are mourning for something you lost or something you struggle to let go. 

What if God has actually provided for you a solution? He might not reveal what it is exactly, but He has given you a guidance. 

God didn’t tell Samuel exactly that he need to look for a boy named David, instead God told him to look for Jesse.

You might not see the whole thing but God has ordered your step.

You are not overlooked. God won’t fail.

One day - one moment, you will get to see His glory!

Trust His guidance.

Jesus loves you always ❤️
Have a great week ahead !

Love & Blessings -


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