When The Wind Blows

Hello guys!
Blessed morning! πŸ˜Ž.
How are you? It’s been a while!
Hope all is well!

Just recently, I was studying over the old-testament again and stumbled on the story of Noah. I believe ya’ll know the story. 

The whole earth was flooded and covered with water. Being a faithful man of God, God remembers Noah.

After the flood subsides, God proceeds to renew everything, echoing what He did in Genesis 1 - God made a wind blow over the earth. The Hebrew word for “wind” is also sometimes translated as “Spirit”.

I don’t know where you are at right now but maybe you have just came out from a difficult season. You don’t know if you are going to survive or not and you are wondering would it be the same as the previous season? 

But God has made a wind blow over your situation!
Holy Spirit is on your situation right now!
The God that once renewed the earth can renew your life right now! 

Jesus loves you always ❤️
Have a great week ahead !

Love & Blessings -


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